Sunday, January 10, 2010

Abreva Ingredients I Feel Cold Sores Coming On... How Do I Prevent Them From Growing WITHOUT Abreva?

I feel cold sores coming on... how do I prevent them from growing WITHOUT abreva? - abreva ingredients

My doctor told me not to use Abreva ... Something I am allergic ingredients.

How can I stop? Or at least calm down?


Trish S said...

My husband and his family are very prone to mouth ulcers and they all use this method and it works all the time. If you feel that is put on an Ice Cube and hold over the area until they start to melt a cube of ice. Yes, it hurts a little, but if my husband is never fully developed. Good luck. We have been married 7 years and every time and does not seem clear.

addition... said...


My company has a botanical based product (a supplement and topical products), helps heal and prevent wounds.

I can give you some information. Have you ever tried Arbonne? There are many products health and wellness, but we have products for cold sores.

If you have an allergy to an ingredient in Abreva, I suggest trying something more natural.

This is my website:

Let me know if I'll send you samples or literature.

Take care.

chloegod... said...

The only thing that I certainly know there are recipes Zovirax or Valtrex. Cold sores are a form of herpes, and these drugs are for the herpes virus and are immediately taken where you get a cold sore, they should be avoided in future. You should consult your doctor if an RX.

bjd said...

I have when I see a shift away coldsores lysine (more than the pill was not) a prescription, the dose for a day or 2 in the first declaration twice as high as it acquires. Not always prevent outbreaks, but has sometimes, but usually results in a less painful coldsores.

bjd said...

I have when I see a shift away coldsores lysine (more than the pill was not) a prescription, the dose for a day or 2 in the first declaration twice as high as it acquires. Not always prevent outbreaks, but has sometimes, but usually results in a less painful coldsores.

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