Saturday, December 5, 2009

How Frustrating Is Graves Disease I Just Discovered I Have Graves Disease. Before I Found Out I Was Having Eye Problems?

I just discovered I have graves disease. Before I found out I was having eye problems? - how frustrating is graves disease

I went to an eye doctor twice, because the pressure and stress I felt in my eyes. It's frustrating when there is nothing wrong because it violates the whole time. My vision is blurry, and I hate the light and sometimes I find myself pushing the lid down to some relief. My eyes are wide open and they close the whole way, but I wonder whether these symptoms of Graves' disease have eyes?

1 comment:

phxmilit... said...

Unfortunately, you have problems with your thyroid. Please take some consolation to know that can be controlled by medication, however. What his eyes, yes you can with them and with the symptoms of the disease. ) In Graves ophthalmopathy, wide-eyed about its protective orbit (exophthalmos. This occurs when the tissues and muscles behind the eyes swell up and cause the eyeball to move forward. Because their eyes can be pushed so far, the dry eye before May. Smokers with Graves disease 'are five times more likely than nonsmokers to develop Graves' ophthalmopathy. Perhaps because of snuff inhibits the absorption of thyroid medication used to treat diseases, Graves' too.

Graves ophthalmopathy Can these mild signs and symptoms:

Excess tearing and sensation of sand or in one or both eyes
Eyes red and swollen
Expansion of the distance between the eyelids
Swollen eyelids and tissues around the eyes
HimSS can often Graves' ophthalmopathy can produce these serious signs and symptoms:

Corneal ulcers
Double Vision
Limited eye movements
Decreased or blurred vision
I hope that has helped to understand a little better and not to panic. Good luck to you.

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